Sunday, May 15, 2016

Small Quilting Projects

Two of my eight or so quilting projects that I completed last week.

I used Moda's Letter Blocks for this project and reduced each block by half.

My version of the Village Quilt. I saw a FB friend post a block from the book, but I didn't want to wait on Snail Mail to deliver the book. So I used graph paper and made my own blocks. Each block is  8.5x6.5. Now I'd like to try a Christmas themed village with the tree blocks I used last year.

Peach Jam


  • 1 heavy duty pot. We used a large porcelain clad cast-iron pot and a double-bottomed stainless steel pot. If you don't use a heavy duty pot, be prepared to stir constantly.
  • candy thermometer--not absolutely necessary but very helpful
  • canning jars, seals and rings--we used 7 half-pint jars.
  • large stirring spoons
  • other canning supplies: funnel, tongs


  • 4 lbs whole, unpitted peaches--wash, pit, place in blender or food processor and puree; should equal more or less 7-8 cups puree
  • 5 cups sugar--no less
  • 1 large lemon--zest and juice
  • 1 teaspoon each: cinnamon, allspice, vanilla extract
  • 1 T butter--may be omitted but there will be more foam
  • 1/3 cup powdered pectin
1. Mix all ingredients into large, heavy pot. Bring to a rolling boil, then reduce heat just enough to keep mixture at a slow boil. Mixture will look like bubbling lava. Once it reaches 220o test for thickness by dropping small spoonful on a frozen plate. Put plate in the freezer for 2 minutes and check. If jam doesn't run when plate is tilted, jam is done.

2. Place in clean jars, seal, and process in hot water bath for 10 minutes.

Looks like molten lava!


  • Don't double recipe in one pot; cooking time takes too long and hinders the jelling process. 
  • DO NOT reduce the sugar; jam will be too thin. 

My daughter, Christy Gilmer, adapted this recipe from several she's tried. I think it's the best peach jam I've ever tasted.

Sealed and cooling.